Guided Tour The Big Trek | Morgan's Nature Walks

Guided Tour: The Big Trek

This guided tour is the longest and one of the most demanding of Morgan’s Nature Walks, advisable only for the most experienced hikers. It passes through three Parishes, two geological regions and one protected area presenting a unique contrast of experiences.


Pit cave of the Fig Tree in Nave do Barão;
Olive press;
Menalva Stream;
O Olho (water Spring);
Kiln Ovens;
Underground Spring of Fonte Benémola;
View of the Serra do Caldeirão;
View of Rocha da Pena;
Town of Salir;
Water well pump with wheel;
The trail of this guided tour has many steep slopes, rocky trails and some tarmac roads;
There is one stream crossing.

Note: Groups of minimum 2 people and maximum 15 people;
This guided tour is not available during the months of June, July and August;
Visitors with the inadequate footwear will not be allowed to do the tour for their own safety, no refunds will be made.

Specific Conditions

Starting time:
09.00 (30 minutes tolerance);
29 km;
6-7 hours;
Hard, not advisable for people with locomotive problems, health problems and children under 12 years old.
Required Equipment:
Hat or cap;

Due to unpredictable weather, it is advised to have water proof boots and jacket prepared in case of rain;
As this tour crosses various small streams it is advisable water proof boots;
Fruit or snacks are advisable;
Comfortable hiking boots and clothing.


Per person:
40,00 Euros
Child between 7 and 12 years old:
20,00 Euros
Child up to 7 years old:

Other tour suggestions:

Guided Tour:
Nave do Barão
Guided Tour:
Fonte Benémola
Guided Tour:
Guided Tour:
Rocha da Pena